Remember God!

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A wandering mystic once asked God to show him someone whom He loved deeply.

The Lord directed him to find a certain craftsman.

When the mystic found the man, he asked, “What do you do that makes the Lord love you so much?”

The craftsman replied, “I say His name when I wake, work diligently all day, and then say His name again before I sleep. That’s all.”

The mystic thought, “I must have found the wrong person.”

At that moment, the Lord appeared and said, “Take this fragile glass vase, walk to the market and back, without breaking it.”

The mystic followed the instructions carefully. When he returned, the Lord asked him, “How many times did you think of Me?”

“How could I?” replied the mystic. “I was too focused on not breaking the vase!”

The Lord smiled and said, “A simple vase made you forget Me, but the craftsman, with all his tasks, remembers Me twice a day.”